Valor for the Anonymous Battle
“KUHF FM, the Houston NPR affiliate, interviews A Troop veterans John Poindexter and Pasqual Gutierrez, as well as C Company commander George Hobson, about the Anonymous Battle and the past-due recognition of the men’s valor and heroism.”
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24th Annual Reunion Coming Up
The 24th Annual Reunion of the 11th Armored Cavalry Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia is set for Sept. 9-13, 2009 in Santa Clara, California at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara. For reservations, call 408-200-1234 or 800-233-1234.
Optional tours this year include visits to San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey Bay and a military vehicles museum. More information on the event is available at

About the Presidential Unit Citation
Gallantry, Determination and Esprit de Corps
The Presidential Unit Citation is awarded in the name of the President of the United States. A unit receiving the citation must display such gallantry, determination and esprit de corps in accomplishing its mission under extremely difficult and hazardous conditions as to set it apart and above other units participating in the same campaign. The degree of heroism required is the same as that which would warrant award of a Distinguished Service Cross to an individual.
According to the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army, the Presidential Unit Citation was originally named the Distinguished Unit Citation. It was established by executive order in 1942 for units of the Armed Forces of the United States and allied nations for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy occurring on or after December 7, 1941. The order directed the Secretary of War to issue citations in the name of the President of the United States to military units for outstanding performance of duty.
The Distinguished Unit Citation was renamed the Presidential Unit Citation in 1966. By either name, it has been awarded only 127 times*, including Alpha Troop’s decoration, in the almost seven decades since it was established.
*This tally treats the Third Infantry Division’s PUC, granted for its service in Iraq, as one award. |